Iced Up!

Iced Up!

Yesterday I made it out to one of my favorite classes. I spend so much time focused on teaching each week, that sinking into being merely a student for 90 minutes is blissful. As I returned home a light, fine snow began to fall. By bedtime we had about an inch, which...


The third Yama, Asteya, is translated as non-stealing. Deep practice with it encourages not to desire the belongings, conditions, ideas, or anything else of another. In Buddhist practice this is echoed by the second grave precept, “Be giving. Do not...


I first really put my mind to what Ahimsa means to me when I wrote about it back in December 2007 as part of my preparations to receive the first five Buddhist precepts in the spring of 2008. There are several areas where the Yamas, as written down by Patanjali, and...