

I last wrote about my experience of sexual trauma. Days later I began to see the first #MeToo posts, first on Facebook, then on Twitter and Instagram. Articles are showing up about the viral explosion of people talking about their experience with sexual trauma on...


Last Monday, June 30, 2017, I had my oral final exam and completed my internship in Integrated Movement Therapy. My paperwork is under review with the International Association of Yoga Therapists, as I was doing concurrent contact hours with clients to apply for their...
Shine One Corner

Shine One Corner

I am struck at the instruction to live as a light to others that occurs across so many traditions of spirituality. It is such a powerful command and one I come back to again and again. I was especially reminded of it this past Sunday, listening to the readings at...
We the Indivisible

We the Indivisible

“The only constant i am sure of is this accelerating rate of change.” Peter Gabriel, Downside Up Just when we get our metaphorical ducks in a row, the universe winds up and sends change our way. Sometimes for good, sometimes we just have a little wobble...