Generous Compassion

Generous Compassion

Generosity is a practice that measurably improves our life. The act of generosity is usually portrayed as giving material goods or money. The winter season is full of year-end appeals for donations, this being an important time of year for these funding drives....
Choose Gratitude

Choose Gratitude

I’d had a plan to write about the slippery slope of using comparison as your gratitude practice, how it robs you of the joy of being truly grateful. Then I saw some great advice about choosing gratitude over apologies. That lead me to a charming comic of this...
Grateful Anyway

Grateful Anyway

Last week I talked with my classes and private clients about cultivating gratitude even when we don’t feel like it. Gratitude is a tool we can use to help lift us up when we’re feeling low. Studies on gratitude practice have shown it improves our sense of...


I last wrote about my experience of sexual trauma. Days later I began to see the first #MeToo posts, first on Facebook, then on Twitter and Instagram. Articles are showing up about the viral explosion of people talking about their experience with sexual trauma on...